Current Chapters

We have chapters in 36+ schools and areas across the U.S!

Chapters are branches of our national organization that advocate for the environment locally in either a school community or area (city or county)

They bring awareness to environmental issues through presentations and community events and make a difference through environmental projects like trash collection and may even be formed among friends!

View our Online Chapter Map

Why Start a Chapter?

Make an Impact

Chapters are connected to a national network of student leaders and recieve numerous resources (pre-made meeting presentations, project plans, and email templates) to help form chapter activities and support for chapter projects.

Make it Yours

You can make your chapter any size, create any structure, and plan any environmental project of interest outside of our required chapter projects. You also decide the meeting schedule and number of projects your chapter does.

Become a Leader

From managing meetings and applications to organizing environmental projects, you create a unique chapter and get real-world leadership experience making your projects come to life!

Area vs School Chapters

Eco MoCo has two types of chapters: area and school.

Area Chapters serve an area, such as a county or city, and should have student representation from around the area. Since they are larger groups and operate as chapter organizations, it is recommended, though not required, that area chapters have departments.

School Chapters may be a school club with a staff member sponsor or a separate student group that serves the school community. While schools may be located in an area served by an area chapter, they are separate from the area chapter (but may collaborate on projects!)

Ready to Apply?

Read our starting guide and fill out our U.S. application form.

If you want to start an international chapter or have any questions about forming a chapter, please contact us at [email protected]


  1. Chapters should be led by middle school and/or high school students
  2. Chapters must have at least 5 members (not including officers and leadership)
  3. Chapters must be named in the following format: Eco MoCo [area chapter serves]
  4. Chapters must meet at least once every month and complete required Eco MoCo projects (listed below)
  5. Chapters must submit an Impact Report form after each completed project

Required Projects

  1. Trash Pickup Day: every chapter will either host a trash pickup at a local park/school, or encourage each member to pick up litter individually. Chapters must submit photos of the campaign and a report on how many bags of trash were picked up.
  2. Sustainability Presentation: Chapters will coordinate with local schools to set up student presentations during lunch time. Guides, templates, and presentation content will be given to chapters to make this process as easy as possible!